Rixos Hotels

Luminary Design

The Rixos Hotels brand is one of the leading companies in the hotel industry with its prestigious service understanding for many years. Rixos Hotels, which is established in Antalya, believes […]

Paloma Hotels

Luminary Design

We create a motion design study and a loyalty discourse describing the loyalty program for Paloma Hotel group to be used on many platforms upon request. Our aim was to […]

Kirman Hotels

Luminary Design

The hotel’s social media campaign became the general hotel discourse in the Kirman Hotels group. The discourse of discovering your own paradise has diversified in social media and other digital […]

Rixos Sharm El Sheikh

Luminary Design

Rixos Sharm El Sheikh’s newest communication campaign. The hotel has a unique concept as an Adult friendly 16+ and Adult Friendly 18+. And we contribute this most recent concept with […]

Rixos Premium Magawish Suites & Villas

Luminary Design

Rixos Premium Magawish Suites and Villas, located in Hurghada, is the most popular and newly opened hotel of the Rixos Egyptian group. In comparison, creating the hotel campaign and artwork […]